Journal of Cardiology & Cardiovascular Surgery scientific, open-access, double-blind peer-reviewed journal covering a wide spectrum of topics in cardiology and cardiovascular surgery.

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Full Issue

Original Article - Congenital Heart Disease

Investigation of serum copeptin levels in patients with congestive heart failure

: 445 : 241

Citation : Kuzu Z, Kaya OK, Akgün AN, Solmaz H, Karataş M, Yavuzkır MF. Investigation of serum copeptin levels in patients with congestive heart failure. J Cardiol Cardiovasc Surg. 2024;2(2):27-30.

Case Report - Heart Failure

Primary left atrial rhabdomyosarcoma in a 42-year-old patient: an unusual cardiac tumor presentation

: 692 : 165

Citation : Akman Z, Belpınar MS, Zanbak Mutlu ÖP, Mutlu D. Primary left atrial rhabdomyosarcoma in a 42-year-old patient: anu cardiac tumor presentation. J Cardiol Cardiovasc Surg. 2024;2(2):31-33.

Case Report - Valvular Heart Disease

Giant mobile thrombus in left atrium

: 513 : 216

Citation : Gjini E, Yaman İ, Kuzu Z, Polat E. Giant mobile thrombus in left atrium. J Cardiol Cardiovasc Surg. 2024;2(2):34-35.

: 435 : 205

Citation : Güzelaltunçekiç E, Alıç E. Renal denervation for resistant hypertension in an elderly patient despite quintuple antihypertensive therapy: a case report. J Cardiol Cardiovasc Surg. 2024;2(2):.

Case Report - Cardiovascular Prevention

: 504 : 230

Citation : Ngjecie E, Sharka I, Veshti A. A large pericardial cyst causing persistent chest tightness and dyspnea: a case report. J Cardiol Cardiovasc Surg. 2024;2(2):39-41.