Journal of Cardiology & Cardiovascular Surgery scientific, open-access, double-blind peer-reviewed journal covering a wide spectrum of topics in cardiology and cardiovascular surgery.

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Case Report
Giant mobile thrombus in left atrium
Giant mobile left atrial thrombus has a rare occurrence. Rheumatic mitral valve stenosis (RMVS), which is frequently seen in developing countries, atrial fibrillation, and left atrial dilatation contribute to faster and higher volume thrombus formation. A 46-year-old female suffering from dyspnea was admitted to the cardiology outpatient. Transthoracic and transesophagial echocardiography confirmed rheumatic mitral stenosis with 3.5x 2.5 cm mobile circulating thrombus in left atrium. The patient underwent successful surgical thrombus removal, prostetic mitral valve replacement, and surgical ligation of the left appendage.

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Volume 2, Issue 2, 2024
Page : 34-35